Language: Deutsch English

Last Update: 2024 - 05 - 21

Benefits of the Newsletter

You might ask yourself (or me) why you should subscribe to the email newsletter. – Here are some facts that hopefully answer the question.

Guiding Principles

First, I would like to state two fundamental, unchangeable guiding principles on how I handle the newsletter mailing list.

  1. I will never give your email address to anybody.
  2. You can unsubscribe from this newsletter at any time by very simple means, such as clicking an unsubscribe link.

Your Benefits

I wouldn’t suggest you subscribe to this newsletter, if I wouldn’t think that you can get some unique benefits from doing so. Here are the most relevant:

  • You get updates on new published content on the website and the related YouTube channels (codekabinett EN / codekabinett DE) delivered right to your email inbox.
  • You get access to exclusive content and downloads on, which are not publicly available. (I rarely published such exclusive content in the past, but I plan to do this more frequently from Q2 2022 onward.)
  • I will also inform you about new and updated commercial products I create. This includes Access developer tools, such as Find and Replace and Ivercy, online courses, such as my new Learning VBA Programming course, and potentially other future resources such as eBooks. As a newsletter subscriber you will usually get significant and exclusive discounts on newly released products.
  • You will also get occasional updates on news from the wider Microsoft Access, VBA and SQL community. This includes information from Microsoft itself, but also from other community contributors about conferences and online meetings, new tools, and other related content. This might also include additional benefits such as discounts or exclusive content that is not publicly available.

The Newsletter Schedule

There is no fixed schedule for the newsletter emails to be sent. I would like to send one newsletter email every one or two months. However, I often don’t find the time to produce enough relevant content and thus the intervals might be much larger.

You should only rarely receive more than one newsletter email per month.


If you’ve got any questions or concerns, you’re welcome to send me an email.


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I will never share your email with anyone. You can unsubscribe any time.
This email list is hosted at Mailchimp in the United States. See our privacy policy for further details.

Benefits of the newsletter subscription

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