Language: Deutsch English

Last Update: 2024 - 05 - 21

About the author of these pages, Philipp Stiefel

Philipp Stiefel, Jan. 2017

Born and grown up near Kassel, Germany, I moved to Frankfurt (Main) in 1996 to study pharmacy at university. There I started to job at a dialog-marketing-agency, to earn some money on the side.

While that was meant as a side job at first, it pretty quickly turned out that pharmacy was not my calling in life. So, I took the appropriate action, left university, and started (and later completed) an apprenticeship at that marketing agency.

In addition to my main tasks, I got more and more involved with the Microsoft Access and Oracle database applications used internally at that company. Over time that became my primary focus there and I gained quite a bit of knowledge and experience in this field.

In May 2000 I was awarded the Microsoft Most Valuable Professional Title for my contributions to the Microsoft Access Newsgroups. I got re-awarded the MVP-Title for each year until 2006 when I reduced my community contributions due to personal reasons.

In June 2000 I severed ties with the marketing business and started my own small software development consultancy, which I run successfully until today. We focus on developing custom software applications using Microsoft Access, Visual Basic, C#, and database systems such as Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, and MySQL.

Over a span of more than 15 years we completed quite a few successful projects for small and mid-sized businesses. Most of our core customers are located in the Frankfurt-Region of Germany, but we do work remotely for some international customers as well.

If you are interested in our services, just send me an email at

There is a short (and outdated) vitae of me is available in English here.

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